We spent the morning hiking and exploring Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. We saw some American Bison and some prairie vistas.

Tallgrass Prairie is located about 80 miles northeast of Wichita on US50 near Strong City, KS. The Tallgrass Prairie covers over 10,890 acres. Once more than 140 million acres of North America were covered by the Tallgrass Prairie ecosystem.

Life Above Ground

According to the Department of the Interior, there are more than 400 types of plant life, over 150 types of birds, and more than 30 types of reptiles and mammals.

Life Underground

The root system of the plant life, in the preserve, can reach down more than 20 feet. The many springs and seeps in the area originate underground and peregrinating through the limestone beneath the surface.


American BisonThe highlight of the Preserve is the American Bison. The preserve supports between 75 and 100 of these magnificent animals. Bison, coyotes, and other small mammals call Tallgrass Praire home.


A variety of grasses make up Tallgrass: switchgrass, little bluestem, indian grass, and buffalo grass. This area was once known as the Great American Desert and consisted of Tallgrass, mixed grass, and short grass prairies.

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