While planning for your next outdoor adventure, do you ever wonder “How long will it take to hike this trail?” Below is Mtntrekker’s Hiking Time Calculator. This is a simple calculator that will estimate your travel time. The variables you need to enter are the total distance, altitude gain, and loss.

The Hiking Time Estimator will give you a rough estimate of how long a hiking day will be. The best way to get your data for the calculator is to use a mapping program to determine your “Altitude Gain”, “Altitude Loss”, and “Trip distance” for the day.

For the hiking speed, you will have to determine your average hiking speed. For example, hiking without a pack or a light day pack will be about 3 miles per hour (MPH). Hiking with a moderately heavy pack the average hiker will travel 2 to 2-1/2 MPH, if you are traveling with a heavy pack you may only hike at 1 to 1-1/2 MPH. You can play with the Hiking Speed field to see the difference in planning your time.

To determine the time, the calculator does the following computations. It determines the time while climbing. It calculates the time while descending and adds those sums to the time you are level.

If you are also interested in calculating your calorie burn check out Mtntrekker’s Calorie Burn Caclulator.

This Calculator, created by John Dragotto copyright © 2024 MtnTrekker.com

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