Rocky Mountain National Park Trip Planning

This page has been temporarily suspended until the park’s backcountry reopens.

When the park starts to reopen the backcountry, this page will be updated. This is due the the “Cameron Peak and East Troublesome Fires” from the summer of 2020. All pages are for information only and will be updated after the areas reopen. 24-April 2021.

Rocky Mountain Park Map

Cross-Country Zones

When you decide to go to Rocky Mountain National Park you will need a backcountry permit. These permits are available from the Wilderness Offices located near the Beaver Meadows Visitor Center and the Kawuneeche Visitor Center. Currently, walk-in requests are not allowed due to COVID.

To make a backcountry reservation you must use the Wilderness Campsite Reservation Request Application. Here is what information you will need. It is a good idea to have your plan plus an alternate along with dates and locations so you are not disappointed. Requests for permits from July through October will be accepted starting in late March and will be awarded by random drawing.

Area Closure


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