
CDT Segment 01, Section 1: Canadian Border to East Glacier Park

From the beginning of the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) Segment 01, hikers face a crucial decision about their route. The Designated Route officially starts at Waterton Lake National Park in Canada, crossing the border at Boundary Warden Cabin. However, this choice requires arranging customs for re-entry into the United States, which can complicate planning.

Alternative CDT Segment 01 Starting Points

To address this challenge, hikers have two alternative starting points to consider. First, they can begin on the west side of Glacier National Park by following the Boundary Trail to Boundary Warden Cabin. This option not only eliminates the need for customs arrangements but also offers breathtaking views along the way. Alternatively, they can opt to start at Chief Mountain Customs, which completely bypasses the customs process altogether and ensures a smoother transition into the journey.

CDT Color-coded system

The CDT map simplifies route planning with its color-coded system. The Designated Route appears in Magenta designated route, while preferred Alternate Routes are highlighted in Blue preferred route. Other Alternate or Connector Routes are marked in Yellow alternate route For those needing to resupply, Trails to Towns (T2T) are clearly indicated in Green trail to town.

Each route offers unique challenges and rewards; therefore, the ultimate decision rests with individual hikers. Whether they choose the official starting point or an alternate route, the CDT consistently delivers an unforgettable experience from the very first step.

Route Highlights:
Waterton Lake to Many Glacier

Boundary Warden Cabin, Stoney Indian Pass Trail Jct., Waterton Valley Trail, Fifty Mountain Camp, Highline Trail, Swiftcurrent Pass, Many Glacier.

Chief Mountain Customs to Many Glacier

Chief Mountain Customs, Belly River Trail, Elizabeth Lake, Redgap Pass, Swiftcurrent Ridge Lake, Many Glacier.

Connector between Waterton and Chief Mountain Routes

Trail Jct x48.9-113.9, Stoney Indian Pass, x48.9-113.7 Jct.

Many Glacier to Going to the Sun Road

Many Glacier, Piegan Pass Trail, Piegan Pass, Going-to-the-Sun Road

Going to the Sun Road to Pitamakan Pass (Dawson Pass Trail Jct.)

Deadwood Falls, Virginia Falls, Saint Mary Lake Trail, Red Eagle Lake, Triple Divide Pass, Atlantic Falls, Morning Star Lake, Pitamakan Pass

Pitamakan Pass to Two Medicine Lake

Follow the Pitamakan Pass Trail

Pitamakan Pass to Two Medicine Lake

Cut Bank Pass, Dawson Pass, Dawson Pass Trail, Two Medicine Lake

Two Medicine Lake to East Glacier Park

Appistoki Falls, Scenic Point, Bald Hill, Midvale Creek, East Glacier Park.

Waypoints, Mileage and Elevation Gain & Loss for CDT Segment 01

Segment 1: Canadian Border to East Glacier Park

Sec Description Position Alt Dst TTL Dist Max Alt Min Alt Elev Gain Elev Loss
Waterton Park to Boundry Warden Cabin
1 Waterton Park TH 49.023,-113.911 4219 0.00 0.00
1 Boundary Warden Cabin 48.948,-113.899 4226 3.65 3.65 4191 4499 963 -957
Boundary Warden Cabin to Many Glacier
2 Boundary Warden Cabin 48.948,-113.899 4226 0.00 0.00
2 Trail Jct x48.9-113.9 48.898,-113.905 4571 8.87 8.87 4209 4584 1193 -846
3 Fifty Mtn Camp 48.843,-113.870 6698 5.37 14.24
3 Swiftcurrent Pass 48.778,-113.765 7187 12.03 26.27
3 Many Glacier 48.801, -113.657 4896 7.50 33.77 4479 7433 6155 -5848
Chief Mountain Customs to Many Glacier
1P Chief Mountain Customs 48.964,-113.686 5341 0.00 0.00
1P Trail Jct 48.9-113.7 48.933, -113.713 4676 5.74 5.74 4554 5350 576 -1239
2P Dawn Mist Falls 48.908,-113.724 4829 2.24 7.98
2P Lake Elizabeth 48.892,-113.724 4907 1.22 9.20 4675 4930 625 -396
3P Redgap Pass 48.863,-113.688 7532 4.37 13.57
3P Poia Lake 48.852,-113.605 5779 5.31 18.88
3P Many Glacier 48.801, -113.657 4896 7.22 26.10 4813 7536 4139 -4156
x48.9-113.7 to x48.9-113.9 Connector
C1 x48.9-113.7 48.933, -113.713 4676 0.00 0.00
C1 Stoney Indian Pass 48.881,-113865 6906 11.20 11.20
C1 x48.9-113.9 48.898,-113.905 4571 3.40 14.60 4572 6915 3236 -3341
Many Glacier to Going to the Sun Road
4 Many Glacier 48.801, -113.657 4896 0.00 0.00
4 Piegan Pass 48.721,-113.673 7304 9.20 9.20
4 Going to the Sun Road 48.679, -113.657 5312 3.80 13.00 4883 7585 3498 -3091
Going to the Sun Road to Pitamakan Pass
5 Going to the Sun Road 48.679, -113.657 5312 0.00 0.00
5 Deadwood Falls 48.667, -113637 4649 1.18
5 Virginia Falls 46.661,-113.613 4797 2.31 3.49
5 Triple Divide Pass 48.575,-113.513 7355 18.51 21.90
5 Pitamakan Pass 48.517,-113.464 7609 8.80 30.70 4505 7637 8047 -5705
Pitamakan Pass to Two Medicine Lake
6 Pitamakan Pass 48.517,-113.464 7609 0.00 0.00
6 Two Medicine Lake 48.491,-113.366 5175 7.68 7.68 5171 7643 622 -3085
Pitamakan Pass to Two Medicine Lake
6A Pitamakan Pass 48.517,-113.464 7609 0.00 0.00
6A Cut Bank Pass 48.518,-113.473 8069 0.50 0.50
6A Dawson Pass 48.487,-113.472 7598 2.84 3.34
6A Two Medicine Lake 48.491,-113.366 5175 6.19 9.53 5172 8072 1286 -3749
Two Medicine Lake to East Glacier Park
7 Two Medicine Lake 48.491,-113.366 5175 0.00 0.00
7 Appisioki Falls 48.482,-113.352 5530 1.58 1.58
7 Bald Hill 48.461,-113.270 5556 6.94 8.52
7 East Glacier Park TH 48.444,-113.225 4795 2.68 11.20 4795 7406 2673 -3052
East Glacier Park TH to East Glacier Park PO
T2T1 East Glacier Park TH 48.444,-113.225 4795 0.00 0.00
T2T1 East Glacier Park PO 48.443,-113.221 4792 0.66 0.66 4790 4815 54 -58
Distance Min Alt Max Alt Alt Gain Alt Loss
Designated Route Data 100.00 4191 7643 21958 -21738
Preferred Route Data 103.62 4505 7643 20180 -20724

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