There are many benefits to hiking in the outdoors. One is staying fit. consequently, with the Calorie Burn Calculator, you can estimate the number of calories you will burn depending on the given activity.

Keeping with the theme of this site the activities are outdoor summer mountain-type activities. Therefore, this calculator is intended to estimate the number of calories you will burn while outdoors. Hiking on a trail with a light day pack, hiking cross country, backpacking, or mountain climbing. To calculate the calories, weight is multiplied by the MET which has a product equal to Calories burned in an hour.

MET stands for metabolic equivalent. One MET is about 3.5ml of oxygen consumed per kilogram of body weight per minute. The MET numbers for a given activity can be found in many places on the internet. As a result, The values used in this calculator are”

hiking on a trail with a light day pack = 3.3
hiking cross country = 6.5
backpacking = 7.5
mountain climbing = 8

The Formula to calculate calorie burn is as follows: Calories = weight in pounds/2.2 * MET * time in minutes All you need to do to use the calculator. To determine the hiking duration ahead of time, use our Hiking Time Calculator.

This Calculator created by John Dragotto copyright © 2024

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