American Red Squirrel

This small American Red Squirrel has reddish to gray fur on the top of its body with a white or cream color on its belly. This squirrel has curved front claws and strong rear legs which make them good climbers.

These squirrels can be found from Alaska across Canada to the Northeast US and across the Rocky Mountains states. These climbers make conifer and deciduous forests their home. A wide variety of food makes up their diet. A combination of insects, nuts, bark, fruits, and seeds is its main food, although it may eat young birds, rabbits, and mice.

These squirrels usually stay close to home but may travel short distances when food becomes scarce. Before winter sets in the Red Squirrel will store green pinecones as well as nuts and seeds under fallen trees or logs at the base of trees. These piles are known as middens [1]Midden (noun) 1: DUNGHILL 2a: a refuse heap especially: KITCHEN MIDDEN b: a small pile (as of seeds, bones, or leaves) gathered by a rodent (such as a pack rat) Midden Definition & … Continue reading

The Red Squirrel is also very skittish. Anything that frightens them, even a person sitting quietly, they will send an alarm to warn others and then scurry away. The chirping or barking is believed to be a warning to other squirrels that danger may be near

Below is an American Red Squirrel, that spotted me. He sent out an alarm before disappearing.  #southforkcolorado#RioGrandeNF#SanJuanNF , #SanLuisValley, #Colorado#mtntrekker.



1 Midden (noun)

2aa refuse heap especiallyKITCHEN MIDDEN
ba small pile (as of seeds, bones, or leaves) gathered by a rodent (such as a pack rat)

Midden Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

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